There is a new trt supplement. It’s called Provide New Awesome. You can take it and it will start to work in a week. However, there are some side effects.
The ingredient profile is 44.8 +- 2.9%, and it includes organic steam flaked corn, molasses, and organic wheat middlings. These were added to nutritionally balance the diet.
ADF was lower in the CON group than in the TRT group, and it was presumed that it was due to the fact that the ingredients typically included in each farm’s ration were not removed. Also, the pasture DMI was similar in the two groups.
Supplement CP was higher in the CON group than in the TRT. And soluble protein was higher in the CON farm supplements than in the TRT farm supplements during the experimental period.
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In addition, milk yield for the CON group decreased from wk 1 to wk 6. So that the final CP percentage for the CON group was 14.8% (percent of DM) and 15.3% for the TRT group.
In addition, MUN concentrations in the CON group and the TRT group were comparable. Milk production in the TRT group was 21% higher than in the CON group during the experimental period.
In summary, the mean ingredient profile of the formulated trt supplement is 44.8 +- 2.9%, and organic steam flaked corn, molasses, roasted soybean, and organic wheat middlings are the three main ingredients. All of these were added to the diet to nutritionally balance the diet.